
What's nEw???
Best places to play!

Global Domination is the solution to the problems that have arisin from some Red alet ladders in the past , where people tended to do anything at their will to win --cheat, lie, fight , and just overall be my Opinoin GD is the funniest RA ladder to come into existience as of yet
people tend to forget this is just a game, a REAL REAL good game , but a game nontheless
Cases ladderCase ladder is another good ladder for red alert, however it seems that ever day fewer and fewer people r playing...compaired to how it used to be....but i suppose this game is 3 years old
Time is soon comming for 4player games on WW!
Downlaod for beta versionThe four Player beta is still kinda buggy, but it seems to be getting better every day..but it is now available to the public for testing...this is best to get all the bugs out b4 the patches actual release
WEll that's about all for now...
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